What is “JINA AL-DAR”?

"Jina Al-Dar" is a mobile bus that travels to the most remote and marginalized areas, towns, and villages in Lebanon. It has a specialized team providing services aimed at reducing and mitigating all forms of challenges facing our communities, particularly those related to crises and their impact on the spread of various forms of community violence, especially violence against women and girls.

"Jina Al-Dar" seeks to empower both host communities and refugees, as well as vulnerable groups in post-crisis contexts. The services include immediate support and protection while promoting an environment that enables women and girls to become more resilient by building connections and creating links to sources of protection and support.

JINA AL-DAR” program

"Jina Al-Dar" was selected among the best 10 innovation initiatives worldwide to advance the Sustainable Development Goals.


Women: 23548
Men: 1769
Children: 19283

What are the targeted groups in “JINA AL-DAR”?

The activities of the Mobile Bus inclusively target women and girls, men and boys, children, and families of all nationalities and stakeholders. The team also works hard to provide specific support to people with special needs and disabilities.


Many community groups, especially women and girls across Lebanon, face various challenges in accessing social and protection service centers, increasing their social isolation. These access barriers mainly include:


  • Security and economic challenges in traveling from one area to another.

  • Lack of information about centers that offer prevention and protection services against community violence in general, and violence against women and girls in particular.

  • Lack of awareness about the consequences of various societal challenges such as child marriage and different forms of violence and sexual harassment.

  • Numerous human rights violations faced by vulnerable groups in rural areas, making them far from any center that provides specialized services.

What activities does “JINA AL-DAR” involve?

To mitigate the negative effects of marginalization and exclusion and to promote equality, non-violence, social cohesion, and stability, the services of the "Jina Al-Dar" project include:


Awareness and education sessions providing information on rights, mental and physical health, positive parenting, etc.

Psycho-social Support

Interactive activities focusing on life skills, anger, and stress management.


Recreational activities and community events targeting families and children, including interactive theater performances, puppet shows, poetry evenings, film screenings, artistic activities, sports games, and more.


Referral to relevant long-term psycho-social support, including case management, and legal and medical services provided by ABAAD’s Model centers or other partners.

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Volunteering with Jina Al-Dar was an incredible opportunity to help in whatever way that I could and to see first-hand the incredible support and services they are providing.I strongly encourage others to get involved.

The question isn’t why you should volunteer.

the question is - what are you waiting for?”



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